By reading this koob, you will discover everything about the life of Jordan Belfort, The Wolf of Wall Street.
You will also discover:
- the nightmare of drug addiction;
- the decadence of the market floor at his brokerage firm;
- the financial dealings that made him ever more wealthy; and
- the perseverance of his wife who supported him throughout his downfall.
Over the course of his remarkable career as a stockbroker, Jordan Belfort would plumb new depths in the pursuit of extreme wealth. To cope with the pressures of the market floor, he’d swallow a cocktail of drugs and wash it down with a slug of whiskey. As well as his addiction to drugs, he had a thirst for power and an irrepressible sexual desire he felt compelled to indulge despite his love for his wife. Nevertheless, after a series of ill-fated episodes, he came to realize that family mattered most. The Wolf of Wall Street would have no choice but to settle down if he was to survive. Belfort describes the extraordinary events in his life with a crude and visceral language that takes you inside the wild world in which he thrived for ten years.
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