By reading this koob, you’ll learn how to improve your customers' engagement with your brand and increase your profits.
You’ll also learn:
That the value of your customers lies in more than what they buy
How to implement strategies adapted to each buyer profile
How to measure the value of each customer
How to value your customers' attitudes and experiences.
In an increasingly competitive world, companies need to distinguish themselves to attract and retain an audience. In this context, the concept of customer engagement, which aims to evaluate and reinforce the attractiveness of your brand, is a very promising avenue. This method encourages customers to buy, but also to talk about your company and to defend it. However, customer engagement is difficult to quantify because it is composed of many subjective attitudes and feelings. To improve it, you need to know exactly how it works. How can you use this strategy to your advantage?
A note from this koob’s author Mauro Morgana:
"This book offers a detailed explanation of the concept of customer engagement: it breaks it down into measurable data and offers strategies to improve each aspect of it. I particularly liked the overview it provides, as it synthesizes various concepts into a clear framework. I recommend this book to every entrepreneur because the effects of customer engagement and the room for improvement are significant. On the other hand, the book is quite technical, especially in the numerical measures, which can make implementation complex."
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