By reading this koob, you will learn how to pay down your debt and become more confident with your finances.
You will also learn…
Why holding on to past money behaviors is impeding your success
How to organize your finances and set achievable financial goals
How to plan a budget that suits your needs and income
How to begin saving for your future
The importance of investing when building wealth
Why you should be paying for insurance
Does it feel like your past money mistakes will haunt you forever? That you will never pay off that mountain of debt? That you will forever be living paycheck-to-paycheck? Many women today struggle with discussions around money and their finances. In Clever Girl Finance, finance expert Bola Sokunbi shares her own financial journey in the hopes of inspiring other women to achieve financial freedom and security. Through clear and actionable takeaways for paying down debt and reaching financial goals, Sokunbi provides women with the tools to take their finances into their own hands. Are you ready to take control of your finances and begin building long-term wealth?
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