By reading this koob, you will learn that having a meaningful life isn’t as lofty a concept as it might seem and that everybody’s life can carry purpose and meaning.
You will also learn:
Strategies to help you discover what is meaningful to you
Ways to find, create, and increase meaning in your life
Your life may already be significantly meaningful without you recognizing it
Suffering and meaning can coexist
Arguments both for and against there being positive meaning in life
Your life’s meaning does not depend on your life goals
Small, regular goals and rewards are just as important as big, time-consuming ones
You might currently think your life is meaningless. Is that because all lives are, or is it because of the life you, specifically, are leading? If you had made different choices, would your life have more meaning? These are existential questionings that can feel overwhelming. Yet, your life could have meaning if you were to change some aspects about it. Philosophy Professor Iddo Landau argues why and how meaning can be added to your life if you feel it’s lacking. Are you ready to discover ways to add more value, worth, and thus meaning to your life?
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