Koob de

Social Media Marketing 2019

de Jason Miller par Molli McConnell

publié le 15/10/2020

By reading this koob, you will learn how to develop your personal brand and share it through the power of social media marketing.

You will also learn:

  • How to create your personal brand and identity;

  • Ways to target a specific audience;

  • How to find the perfect mentor to help you along your journey;

  • How to use Facebook Ads to your advantage;

  • How to build a following on Instagram;

  • How to use Twitter to market your brand; and

  • Different ways to maximize your time spent on YouTube.

Social media expert Jason Miller wants to help you use social media marketing to the fullest! In his book, Social Media Marketing 2019: How to Leverage the Power of Facebook Advertising, Instagram, YouTube and SEO for Promoting Your Personal Brand, Miller focuses on what it takes to maximize the power of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube to promote your personal brand and business. He walks you through the process: from creating your identity online, to finding a mentor to help you along the way, and finally to utilizing social media to your advantage. Are you ready to use social media to build your business?

Commentaires :

2020-10-25 13:06:12
Very useful