By reading this koob, you will understand the successful strategy behind making widely appreciated products.
You will also learn:
Why the blockbuster strategy is so effective
Advantages of hiring top talent in creative industries
The effects of digital technology on traditional entertainment
How the blockbuster strategy works across different industries
How to deal with risk as an entertainment executive
Different marketing strategies that work for various budgets
Many businesses adhere to the proverbial “don’t put all your eggs into one basket,” preferring to avoid risk than to place all their investments into only one or a few product launches. However, the blockbuster strategy seen in Hollywood is a model that proves to be successful in various industries. Anita Elberse illustrates several scenarios that show why betting big and putting all resources into just a few projects is a promising way to deliver a successful product. Can the blockbuster strategy be the best way to deliver products for your company?
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