Koob de

Boys and Sex

de Peggy Orenstein par Zoe McNamee

publié le 07/08/2020

By reading this koob, you will learn how today’s boys are navigating the quagmire of masculinity, sex, and relationships.

You will also learn:

  • What makes an “ideal” man—and what makes a good one

  • How toxic masculinity manifests as “bro culture”

  • Why boys feel pressured to perform, even when they don’t want to

  • How media representations of women contribute to sexual violence, and

  • Why parents need to ditch their embarrassment and talk to their sons about sex.

In 2017, Peggy Orenstein interviewed teenage girls for Girls & Sex, her bestselling study of adolescent sexuality in the internet age. Now she’s turned her attention to boys. In a world of constant connectivity, online porn, and social media, how are the boys of Generation Z coming of age? What are today’s boys being taught about caring, communication, and consent? Are you ready to delve into the shadowy world of modern masculinity?

Commentaires :

2021-04-03 03:23:37
Some good points i agree we need to fight to stop rape culture and other issues but we dont want to swing the penduluum to the opposite extreme of havjng over effeminate men. Men should still be manly and moral without being soft and effeminate
2020-09-24 08:50:23
This book has a good point but dont you think its a little bi