By reading this koob, you will learn to harness the full power of "mini habits" to bring about the maximum amount of change you want in your life.
You will also learn:
why your initial motivation doesn't last.
how easy it is to create new behaviors.
how to get rid of (certain) bad habits.
how to finally achieve your goals.
how to improve your life in all areas.
Whether it’s a New Year's resolution, an intention to join a gym, the will to write a book... How often does it happen that you tell yourself you want to make a radical change in your life, and that this time "you’ll actually do it." Yet, after a period of initial enthusiasm, that very enthusiasm eventually wanes. You then give up what you set out to do, having lost all motivation and some of the confidence you had in yourself. These failures stem from having a bad action plan that fails to incorporate crucial elements of behavioral psychology. Stephen Guise kept hitting these kinds of roadblocks, until one day he found a magic weapon that allowed him to effectively follow through on each and every one of his goals. This magic weapon took the humble form of "mini habits,” and now you’re about to find out how easily and significantly they can change your life too.
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