By reading this koob, you will learn about some of the amazing features (and some not-so-amazing features) of your human body.
You will also learn about:
The amazing information processing center that is your brain
The basic functions of many of your organs
The chemical processes that keep you functioning
The complex immune system that keeps you alive (until it doesn't)
Some drawbacks to the human design
How to help keep your body in good working condition (spoiler alert: it's mostly eating well and staying active)
All the many things science still can't answer about how the human body works
Your body is an incredible and unique organism, the product of millions of years of evolution. Thanks to its complex systems of organs, bones, muscles, and chemicals—and the brain mastermind controlling it all—you can run, jump, talk, see, hear, laugh, cry, enjoy music, reason, empathize, read, and do a multitude of other things. Read on to discover just how it all works!
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