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To Pixar and Beyond: My Unlikely Journey with Steve Jobs to Make Entertainment History

de Lawrence Levy par Dieynaba Young

publié le 06/01/2020

By reading this koob, you will discover how Pixar was transformed from a company on the brink of insolvency to one of the greatest surprise success stories in studio film history.

You will also discover how:

  • To guide an atypical company through its IPO

  • To generate profit while encouraging innovation and protecting artistic integrity

  • To adopt a managerial style that elevates and inspires creative workers

  • To “drop the financial crutch” in order to unearth growth opportunities in unexpected areas

  • To negotiate complex deals more effectively

  • To build a global brand from scratch

After ten years of burning through over fifty million in investor capital, Pixar became a great success story, seamlessly integrating popular entertainment and pioneering technology. Through audacity and strategy, Lawrence Levy and Steve Jobs rejuvenated Pixar in only two years—resulting in a historic achievement for Levy and a spectacular career comeback for Jobs. Their work illustrates business principles that you can apply to reinvent a company that has lost its way.

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