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Influencer Fast Track: From Zero to Influencer in the next 6 Months!

de Gundi Gabrielle par Johan Westberg

publié le 12/11/2019

By reading this koob, you will discover the best shortcuts for building an online following.

You will also learn:

  • Why a self-published bestseller is the #1 way to kickstart your following

  • How to design an irresistible brand around yourself

  • How to nurture and manage your client and follower base

  • How to leverage the seven steps of the influencer fast track formula

Gundi Gabrielle is an online marketer and personal branding consultant with numerous self-published books reaching #1 on Amazon. She markets herself as an expert in building and keeping engaged audiences on digital platforms. Her method, outlined in this book, makes influencer status accessible to everyone; it’s just a question of putting your mind to it.

Commentaires :

Maitseo 李美丽 Olga Tswaipe
2020-10-07 13:15:01
Very enlightening reading, it first just rubbished the idea that I needed special talents to be influential. I am inspired and empowered.