Koob de

The New Rules of Work

de Kathryn Minshew and Alexandra Cavoulacos par Cassandra McTavish

publié le 08/07/2019

By reading this koob, you will discover that you can find the perfect job that fits your lifestyle.

You will also learn that:

  • Jobs are no longer a lifetime commitment;

  • Your perfect job is out there;

  • You need to put your values at the center of your job search;

  • Be meticulous and methodical in finding the right job for you;

  • Do not be scared, embrace change, and you will find true job satisfaction.

The opportunities available to you today are far greater than those available to your parents. They were forced to choose one career path early in life and adapt their schooling and lifestyle to cater to that choice. Today, you will likely have numerous jobs throughout your career. Even if you choose a traditional career path, you are still faced with many options, your choices are not set in stone. With all this change, you can now choose to adapt a job to your lifestyle, knowing that tomorrow you may change jobs to keep up with your changing lifestyle. The New Rules of Work is a step-by-step guide that will ultimately lead you to that perfect job. Are you ready to land a great job that truly fulfills you (and not just your employer)?

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