By reading this koob, you will discover your “ikigai,” roughly translated as your reason for being. For the Japanese, Ikigai is synonymous with eternal youth.
You’ll find out how to:
-Change your perspective, think clearer, and improve your work;
-Make your childhood dreams a reality,
-Nurture your creativity,
-Live in the present, and
-Fulfill your objectives without being discouraged.
At some stage in life, we will all inevitably question the point of existence, and try to pinpoint the purpose or ambition that legitimizes our time on the earth. The word ikigai has no literal translation but stems from the words iki, meaning life, and kai, meaning worth. Your ikigai lies somewhere between your values and your desires and evolves throughout your lifetime in accordance with the person you are. “The Ikigai Method” proposes several ways to help better understand your reason for being. By reflecting on the past, grounding ourselves in the present, and projecting ourselves in the future we can revolutionize our lives for the better!
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