Koob de

On Writing Well

de William Zinsser par Ludivine Varela

publié le 22/08/2019

By reading this koob, you’ll discover the golden rules of writing as well as tips to make your writing more enjoyable to read.

You’ll also discover that:

-everyone is capable of writing once the basic rules of the English language have been mastered;

-simplicity is the first quality of a good text;

-it’s important to show sensitivity and humanity in your writing in order to touch the reader;

-it’s also important to be original and to express your personality so you can stand out from the crowd.

It’s essential to know how to write well since writing is present in our everyday lives. Even though you use your computer and telephone keyboard to write more than you use paper and a pen, the principles of quality writing remain the same. Whether you’re a student, a business exec, a blogger, or a writer in your spare time, William Zinsser’s guide will provide you with valuable advice on how to make your texts clearer, more original, and enjoyable to read.

Commentaires :

2022-03-04 08:54:09
the reading section stopped working, can anyone help me & fix it?